Monday, December 31, 2012

Taken 2

Taken 2 Many Times 

Bryan Mills (Neeson) warns his daughter Kim (Maggie Grace) that their nightmare is being revisited (Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly) 

I always love a sequel done right. No matter how good a movie is, there's always room for improvement, and as much as I loved the original Taken, it’s no exception. In Taken 2, it was great to see everything that made the first so re-watchable was there, but there was more added suspense and character development.

While Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) is still working security (as opposed to his government position as a “preventer”), he has clearly made a name for himself in the business. In this follow-up to the 2008 hit, Mills is hired for a three-day job in Istanbul. His daughter Kim and ex-wife Lenore take him up on an invitation to visit him after his job is complete. Unfortunately for the Mills family, they just can’t seem to catch a break when they goes overseas. 

One of the fathers of the Albanian men who kidnapped his daughter Kim in the original inspires the fathers and brothers of the other kidnappers to enact revenge on Mills. He tracks Mills down, and discovers not only Bryan, but his entire family, is in driving distance just across the border. He sets out with his men to find the family, and are able to corner and kidnap Bryan and Lenore.

But come on, we all know Bryan wouldn’t lie down and die. After being captured, he uses a concealed phone to call Kim and is able to enlist her to help free himself and Lenore. We really get to see Kim shine in this movie, after only seeing her for a minute or two at the very end of the first following her under-the-bed kidnapping.

The worst thing the filmmakers could’ve done is a remake the first movie. Thankfully, this wasn’t the case. We got to see Mills employ some of his “particular set of skills” that he didn’t in the first movie, such as being able to follow where he goes with nothing but timing and audible reference points.

This sequel also forgoes repeating the bloodlust Mills goes on in favor of more suspense filled scenes. These were not cheap thrills in the slightest, but rather solid, armrest clenching scenes. And don’t worry, there were still plenty of bullets flying from Bryan’s gun for all those wanting to see Liam Neeson with a firearm in hand again. While it lacks the originality the first had, there’s a nice balance of suspense and action. It was great to see the new take the filmmakers had on the story, and to see several of the characters return with even more consideration to their developments.

Like most of you probably are, I was hesitant going in to the movie due to the massively negative reviews. However, I implore you to look past those reviews, and give Taken 2 a chance, especially if you enjoyed the original (which also had a classified “rotten” rating on I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, and I think those who are looking for more of what they saw in the original, but not necessarily the same movie in a different location, will be more than satisfied.

Rating: 4/5

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